Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just Updates & Recent Pictures

Owen sleeping...out like a light!!

Me...with dark hair. Dustin talked me into going dark instead of staying blonde. This isn't the greatest of pictures...just got off work and was tired but thought what the heck.

Austin and Owen being themselves and showing off...

This past Monday (Labor Day 2009), Tyler had football practice. They were running tackles and Tyler was up to carry the ball. His team mate was to run upto him at an angle and tackle Tyler. What happened instead was instead of tackling low, the other boy tackled to high. His helmet came up and split Tyler's chin wide open. The other boy, got hurt really bad and was fading in and out of consiousness along with temporary paralysis below the neck...he wound up taking a trip via EMS to hospital and was later released with just a concusion, thank goodness!! Tyler and the rest of us headed to Wesley's ER and prepared him for stitches. Twenty-four of them!! They will be taken out this weekend and butterflied. He is being a real sport about them now, like it's no big deal (still tender though).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lucky-blessed kid. I'm glad they'r both okay. It ought to make a pretty cool scar.